The English word; "Mindset" is well established in the Netherlands, but the word is not yet in the Dikke Vandale. The English Mindset is used when talking about the way of thinking. I like the following definition better: "The way you deal with the thoughts that determine your feelings". This is from: authors: Babs Bruyneel & Brigitte Derks.

It is your mindset that determines how you deal with thoughts and thus how you feel. These feelings lead to actions. Also no action is action, because you actively decide not to take action. Everything starts with thoughts, these are colored by your mindset (the way you interpret and handle these thoughts). Your Mindset is the core of your being, it provides the content of your life. For me; "Your life is a reflection of your Mindset" is the very basis of my beliefs, knowledge, skills and behavior, it is the core thought of ​​my training.

The 2 big questions are:
What do you want to achieve?
Do you have the mindset to accomplish that?


In this group training I teach the students step by step how to develop a Mindset that exactly fits the individually set life goals. Developing a Matching Mindset is what I call; "Mindset building".


In the Group Mindset Training I inspire the students to absorb my knowledge, skills and behavior in the field of Mindset and to link their current life outcomes to their Mindset. When we do not achieve what we would like, this can be directly traced back to our Mindset. As a group we will see and experience that our thoughts are colored by our Mindset. We are going to discover through 15 simple steps and some exercises that we can change our Mindset and build a new one, let it grow and become dominant. Is this difficult? Yes and no, with the help of examples we go; Develop "Reminders" that activate every time you fall into an old pattern. You become better at observing yourself and thereby becoming alert to a possible relapse. It takes practice, it's like learning to ride a bicycle, you didn't learn that by reading a book about it. Practice is necessary to master new skills. This is exactly why I am a trainer with all my heart, to prevent you from falling as much as possible, to help you get up, and to inspire you to persevere.

We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking
we used when we created them.

Albert Einstein

The above quote from Albert Einstein already reveals a bit about where I want to go with the training. Freely translated it comes down to this in my training: We cannot change if we continue to hold the same beliefs that shaped our lives.